Curriculum Vitae


Current position

Head of Department “World Cultures and Natural History”
at the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim

Previous Employment and Work Experience


Research Associate at Heidelberg University

Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies
"The Transcultural Heritage of Northwest Australia: Dynamics and Resistencies"

Research „From the homo heidelbergensis to the dugong dance: Indigenous cultural heritage in North West Australia as reflected in the German scientific tradition“

Exhibition catalogue "Der Ruf des Schneckenhorns - Hermann Klaatsch (1863-1916) Ein Heidelberger Wissenschaftler in Nordwestaustralien"


Visiting Fellow at Heidelberg University
(Summer Semester, May-July)
Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies
"The Transcultural Heritage of Northwest Australia: Dynamics and Resistencies"

Research „Art, Culture and Religion at Beagle Bay in Historical Perspective“

2013 - 2015

Research project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) "Early missionary and colonial perspectives on the Indigenous cultures and languages of Western Cape York Peninsula, Australia, and the documentation of the cultural changes in this region based on written documents, ethnographic artefacts and historical photographs" at the Moravian Mission Archive, Herrnhut, and the Ethnographical Museum Herrnhut (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden)


2011 - 2013

Senior Research Associate (in Germany) with the ARC funded Discovery Project "Objects of Possession: Artefact Transactions in the Wet Tropics of North Queensland 1870 - 2013" at the James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland

First newsletter of our research group, August 2011

Second newsletter of our research group, February 2012

Third Newsletter of our research group, December 2012

Fourth newsletter of our research group, December 2013

8/2009 - 2/2010 Guided tours, workshops and vocational training courses for teachers at the exhibition "James Cook and the Discovery of the South Sea" at the art and exhibition hall in Bonn (Bundeskunsthalle)
Since 9/2008 Free-lance anthropological researcher and consultant: research, publications, conference papers, lectures, projects, scientific consultant for book publications, journals, film presentations or radio stations (interviews, features), ethnographic researcher and consultant for museum collections and exhibitions 
2008  Research assistant for the research project “Histories of Collecting Cultural Artefacts in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area” at the James Cook University in Townsville, Queensland
2004 – 2007 3-year research project about the German physical anthropologist Hermann Klaatsch (1863 – 1916) and his journey around Australia from 1904 – 1907 at the Museum of Ethnology in Cologne: Klaatsch’s time in Australia, his collection(s) of cultural artefacts and his perception of the Australian Aborigines. Based on newly available historical documents from his three years in Australia. Financed by the Fritz Thyssen Research Foundation in Cologne.
1999 1-month research trip to Micronesia (Guam and Yap)
1998 – 2000 2-year employment at the Museum of Ethnology in Cologne in the South Sea department: reorganisation of the entire south sea collection (20 000 artefacts) and starting the new database (Access)
1994 – 1996 2-year employment at the Museum of Ethnology in Cologne for the special exhibition “Female Power and Male Dominance – Gender Relations in Cross-Cultural Perspective” (incl. editorial work for the catalogue, 2 vols.)
1988  3-month traineeship at the Museum of Ethnology in Freiburg working with the collection from Indigenous Australia (exhibition, catalogue, articles)
1987 1-month traineeship at the Museum of Ethnology in Bremen (Übersee-Museum) working with the collection from Indigenous Australia (documentation, guided tours)


2003/04  Lectureship in Cultural Anthropology at Mainz University:
“Gender Relations in Oceania”
1997  Lectureship in Cultural Anthropology at Göttingen University:
“The Australian Aborigines: Culture, Kinship, Religion”
1996/97 Lectureship in Cultural Anthropology at Cologne University:
“Gender Relations in Cross-Cultural Perspective”
1994 Lectureship in Cultural Anthropology at Marburg University:
“Gender Studies in English Speaking Anthropology”
1993/94  Lectureship in Cultural Anthropology at Marburg University:
“Fieldwork – Theory and Method”
1991  Lectureship in Cultural Anthropology at Freiburg University:
“Fieldwork – Theoretical Foundations and problems of practical


  • 5 books
  • 1 contributing editor
  • 40 articles
  • 10 reviews

Free-lance work

  • As an expert on Oceania and Indigenous Australia for museum collections, exhibitions, catalogues
  • As an expert on Oceania, Indigenous Australia, Religion, Cultural Artefacts and Gender Relations for further training courses (for teachers and students)
  • As a writer, contributing editor and scientific consultant for books, articles, journals and magazines (e.g. GEO, National Geographic)
  • As an expert on films from Australia and Oceania (for film clubs and film festivals)
  • As an interview partner for radio stations on Indigenous Australia and related issues

Research Experience – Network – Contacts

  • Research, study and fieldwork experience in Australia and Oceania
  • Networks and contacts with German and European museums and universities
  • Networks and contacts with Australian and Micronesian museums and universities


Active Membership in 3 Associations:

  • German Anthropological Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie)
  • German Association of Australian Studies (GASt)
  • European Society for Oceanists (ESfO)

University - School

1994  Presentation of Faculty Award for outstanding scientific results (Ph.D.)
1992 Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology at Freiburg University
(Thesis “Tradition and Transformation of the Role of Aboriginal Women in Australia”)
1991 – 1992 1-year postgraduate scholarship from the research foundation of Baden-Württemberg ("Landesgraduiertenförderung")
1989 – 1990 1-year research grant from the German Academic Exchange Service ("Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst", DAAD) for anthropological research and fieldwork in Australia (Moree, N.S.W.)
1988 M.A. in Cultural Anthropology and Political Sciences at Freiburg University (Thesis “Land and Land Rights of the Australian Aborigines”)
1986  6-month study and research in Australia: Canberra (taking part in the biannual conference at the AIAS), Sydney, Perth
1983 – 1988 Study of Cultural Anthropology, Political Sciences and Archaeology at Freiburg University
1982/83 Study of Cultural Anthropology, Geography and Political Sciences at Marburg University
1982 5-month trip to New Zealand
1981 Diploma (Abitur) from Wilhelm-Filchner Schule, Wolfhagen
Today: Walter-Lübcke-Schule
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